2023년 11월 17일(금) 주식 방송 리뷰(미국시장 마감시황, 로봇관련주, 자율주행관련주, 유전자가위기술관련주, 주류관련주, 반도체관련주, 스페이스X관련주… )
U.S. market close”Don’t be surprised if you meet a robot on the street”…Allow delivery and patrol robots https://www.yna.co.kr/view/AKR20231116046000003?input=1195m The revised Intelligent Robot Act takes effect from the 17th…The outdoor mobile robot business available in India also needs a ‘walking license’…If you jaywalk, the owner will receive a ‘penal fine of 30,000 won’ ▷ Robot-related stocks: […]