안녕하세요 타츠노와하마입니다 😀 마이테레사에서 70%+30% 세일이 시작되었는데 오늘은 남성 상품을 골라드리려고 합니다! 메종 마르젤라 힙색 발렌티노 백팩과 남성 운동화는 300유로대, 르메르 샌들은 100유로대, 톰브라운 경량다운은 700유로대, 바람막이 자켓은 400유로대, 스톤아일랜드 점퍼는 330유로대로 구할 수 있습니다.DHL 익스프레스로 발송되며 FTA 상품의 경우 관세는 자동 면제되며 부가가치세 10%만 통관 시 별도로 도입하면 된다고 합니다. 무료 반품도 1회 가능하니 부담없이 쇼핑하세요!SALE 남 / 여 MYTHERESA 하늘홈페이지
V. 국내 직배송 : 600유로 이상 무료, 미만은 20유로 V. 관세 범위 : 150달러 미만 V. 주소 영어 만들기: 녹색 창에서 영어 주소 변환 검색 활용 세일 적용하기
할인코드는 따로 필요하지 않습니다. 이렇게 300유로 이상 넣으면 자동으로 30%가 추가 적용됩니다. 사이즈나 수량 등이 올바르게 선택되었는지만 확인하시고 다음 단계로 진행해주세요. 한글화가 잘 되어 있어서 초보자도 직관적으로 둘러보기 쉽습니다!
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This is a MESSANGER Alexander McQueen messenger bag. This is not an additional 30%, but it has been reduced by 60%, and since it is an FTA product, you only have to pay 10% tax, so you can run reasonably. You can expect it to be around 500,000 won. It is made of leather and made in Italy, so it can be used strongly. It’s a simple design that’s easy to hold without being fashionable in a loose size, so you should use it for a long and luxurious. Recommended as a work item!
1040 > 520 > 364 euros
The VLTN Valentino backpack is also around 560,000 won. It is made of sturdy canvas material and has a large logo tag attached to the front with a leather patch for luxurious use. As it costs between mid to late 1 million won at the store, it’s an opportunity to run with high cost-effectiveness! If you’re looking for a men’s luxury bag, pay attention to this too!
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This is a CROSS Maison Margiela hip sack. This item is suitable for all looks and can be coordinated in a young and trendy atmosphere, so I would like to recommend it to anyone. The four sweat marks on black are always chic. It’s easy to use without fashion, and it’s a good item to show off your fashion sense. Go!
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The HOOD Tom Brown lightweight down jacket is 30% plus 30%. It can be collected for about 1.3 million won. Moncles and Stone Island are common, so if you don’t like it, please put this in. It’s an ultra-high-priced item that costs between 3 and 4 million won, so you can use it for the rest of your life! It’s padded, so it’s warm and easy to wear during the winter!
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Please check the input language.The Grey windbreaker jacket also costs 700,000 won. We don’t have much stock left. This is around 2.1 million won at a department store, so you can save about 1.4 million won! It is made of nylon material and has excellent functionality that completely prevents wind, making it easy and practical to wear!No language detected.
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